Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Strange City

What a strange city! This is the place where there should be a flower but there is a stone. And where a beautiful tree should bloom, there is instead, a fallen, dry and parched tree. Instead of a river, there is a dark ditch with a crack on the ground and poor unfortunate animals, whose skeletons we can see because they needed water but never had it. What strange place! Their inhabitants watch you smiling, they seem friendly and sincere but when you look straight into their eyes you can see a deep tunnel and then you discover the truth; behind their smiles and glances, there is nothing. Then, you look at them again, and you understand what happens: This town where everything should be beautiful and perfect, only has desolation and the reason is that their inhabitants are fanatical, obsessive of all that is good, perfect and wonderful, but what a contradiction, after you see and know them, you realize that of everything that they say, that they propose, nothing gets done. " I'll make a castle" But is probably in the air. " I'm going to plant a flower" But the seed is not planted. "I'll take care of the fields" But these are always abandoned."I'll build a dam and I will take care of the water" But all this is like a crazy song of I'm going to do but nothing is done. Then, this town of people with empty smiles and glances, what do they have in their hearts, in their wills? I believe that instead of a flower, they have dry dust and nothing else.

Author and Artist: Oscar Basurto Carbonell

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