Saturday, March 21, 2009

Diseases of the Soul. Bitterness

I have a star that is not that beautiful because is only for me. I have a kingdom and also a scandalous crown that adorns everyone but there is no irony in me.
I have a path where I am the destination, I open all the doors and of course, I have the keys. If you want to enter, you must ask me and you must be in my kingdom.
It is much better that your day becomes night and during your night, you better be quiet so you do not show lack of respect.
I have a song that everybody will sing. The song is neither to laugh nor to cry.
You do not understand, you do not comprehend, neither I understand or comprehend you.
We are as the sugar and the salt but since we both have to be in this life.
I look at you and I control you so you cannot even dare to think: The Bitter Person.
Mystic Healing Art

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